My early days
Since I was little, fly fishing became a passion, bordering on addiction! At that time, while the other kids of my age were playing soccer, video games or anything else, I was learning to fly fish.
Since I was 10 years old, I invested most of my free time in learning this method, trying to acquire all its finesses and secrets.
From the age of 14, I started to travel through Switzerland, France and Italy to discover more and learn the specificities of sight nymphing.
My early days :
Since I was little, fly fishing became a passion, bordering on addiction! At that time, while the other kids of my age were playing soccer, video games or anything else, I was learning to fly fish.
Since I was 10 years old, I invested most of my free time in learning this method, trying to acquire all its finesses and secrets.
From the age of 14, I started to travel through Switzerland, France and Italy to discover more and learn the specificities of sight nymphing.

My fly fishing trips :
Like any passionate fly fisherman, I have been researching the leading fly fishing countries. Since the age of 18, I have never stopped my fishing trips and I have gone several times to the Balkans in search of marmoratas and other big salmonids or to Iceland in search of giant trout and Arctic char.
My favorite is certainly New Zealand, where I went several times to hunt trophy brown trout in the South Island. The scenery, the rivers and the fish that are present there in remarkable numbers and sizes make me continue to go there as long as I can!
I also tried fly fishing in the sea, whether in the Maldives, in Sudan or in Seychelles, each time, I found what excites me during my trips. Namely, the change of scenery, research, sharing and new species.
In 2019, with friends, we went to the Amazon in the middle of Brazil in search of Peacocks-bass, this environment has been a great success and I will certainly renew the experience to go in search of new species such as the Dorado, the Arapaima or the Payara.

My video realizations :
On my first trip to New Zealand in 2013, I bought a reflex camera to try to bring back some great memories. I had initiated to shoot some fishing sequences. The result was not the most incredible, but it sparked in me a desire to start going deeper into the subject.
So I went back to Iceland with a little more equipment and knowledge to try to make a film about the giant trout that reign there. After spending a lot of time editing, I submitted my short film to a fly fishing film festival (RISE-festival). My film was selected to be shown in theaters in France, Switzerland and Belgium.
After this first short film, I mastered the basics of video editing and was able to target the gaps I had to improve.
In early 2020, with my friend Jean-Michel Brunet French fishing guide, we founded Theflyfishingspirit media. The goal of this collaboration is to travel around the world and to share with thousands of enthusiasts through our videos the different parts of the world. We are now equipped with professional equipment allowing us to make quality films (drone, waterproof housing, stabilizer etc.).
We have many projects and we will continue to make videos around the world to share our passion, fly fishing.
My desire to transmit :
Involved as volunteer in several fishing companies and participants in many fishing events, I wanted to go further. That’s why I decided to start a Swiss Fly Fishing guiding company.
The goal is to transmit my passion and my knowledge to those who are interested. Whether it is in the form of discovery days, training courses or to go on a fishing trip, I will be there to guide you and help you in a good atmosphere.

Where to fish in Switzerland ?
Not being able to go on a fishing trip all the time, my favorite spots in Switzerland are :
– The lakes and rivers of the Valais
– Le Doubs (Jura)
– La Sarine (Fribourg / Vaud)
Support and sponsors :
A big thank you to all those who support me in my projects and trust me. Whether it is close members, brands or customers, you make what I am:
WAKU GmbH – STROFT Fishing Lines
Mouches ABfly – Mouches et accessoires de pêche
Épuisette Artisanales | Airandwater | Objets bois
My fly fishing trips :
Like any passionate fly fisherman, I have been researching the leading fly fishing countries. Since the age of 18, I have never stopped my fishing trips and I have gone several times to the Balkans in search of marmoratas and other big salmonids or to Iceland in search of giant trout and Arctic char.
My favorite is certainly New Zealand, where I went several times to hunt trophy brown trout in the South Island. The scenery, the rivers and the fish that are present there in remarkable numbers and sizes make me continue to go there as long as I can!
I also tried fly fishing in the sea, whether in the Maldives, in Sudan or in Seychelles, each time, I found what excites me during my trips. Namely, the change of scenery, research, sharing and new species.
In 2019, with friends, we went to the Amazon in the middle of Brazil in search of Peacocks-bass, this environment has been a great success and I will certainly renew the experience to go in search of new species such as the Dorado, the Arapaima or the Payara.
My video realizations :
On my first trip to New Zealand in 2013, I bought a reflex camera to try to bring back some great memories. I had initiated to shoot some fishing sequences. The result was not the most incredible, but it sparked in me a desire to start going deeper into the subject.
So I went back to Iceland with a little more equipment and knowledge to try to make a film about the giant trout that reign there. After spending a lot of time editing, I submitted my short film to a fly fishing film festival (RISE-festival). My film was selected to be shown in theaters in France, Switzerland and Belgium.
After this first short film, I mastered the basics of video editing and was able to target the gaps I had to improve.
In early 2020, with my friend Jean-Michel Brunet French fishing guide, we founded Theflyfishingspirit media. The goal of this collaboration is to travel around the world and to share with thousands of enthusiasts through our videos the different parts of the world. We are now equipped with professional equipment allowing us to make quality films (drone, waterproof housing, stabilizer etc.).
We have many projects and we will continue to make videos around the world to share our passion, fly fishing.
My desire to transmit :
Involved as volunteer in several fishing companies and participants in many fishing events, I wanted to go further. That’s why I decided to start a Swiss Fly Fishing guiding company.
The goal is to transmit my passion and my knowledge to those who are interested. Whether it is in the form of discovery days, training courses or to go on a fishing trip, I will be there to guide you and help you in a good atmosphere.
Where to fish in Switzerland ?
Not being able to go on a fishing trip all the time, my favorite spots in Switzerland are :
– The lakes and rivers of the Valais
– Le Doubs (Jura)
– La Sarine (Fribourg / Vaud)
Support and sponsors :
A big thank you to all those who support me in my projects and trust me. Whether it is close members, brands or customers, you make what I am :
WAKU GmbH – STROFT Fishing Lines